Food for Life - Gold Catering

The Royal Cheshire Show

July 13, 2016

We attended The Royal Cheshire Show on the 21st & 22nd June, where we had a stand in the Cheshire East marquee which was celebrating all things cycling. There were many cycling themed activities to get involved in. On the Cheshire East Catering stand we were giving away our ‘Tour of Britain Flapjack’, it’s a great mix of fast acting sugar and slower burning carbohydrates  – ideal if you are heading out for a bike ride.

Check out the pictures from a great few days below!

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Tracey whizzing up a smoothie storm!

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Tracey and her whizzy wheels again! Multi-tasking by producing a piece of modern art and getting fit at the same time. Next stop, the Tate Modern!

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Di competing in the 1km time trial. What a healthy bunch we are!

Preparing for the great flapjack give away. Roll up and pile ’em high! Our nutritionally balanced flapjack can be enjoyed as part of a healthy school meal at many schools throughout Cheshire East. Don’t forget, we are also Soil Association Gold standard accredited.

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ToBi the Tour of Britain mascot gearing up for the race. Maybe he will be leading the peloton?